By: Monica Harper
Corrugated cardboard boxes are nearly ubiquitous in most workplaces and homes, even if you work at an office, a factory, a garage, an apartment, or just about anywhere. They are used for packaging practically every product available. Most goods are shipped in corrugated boxes, and many goods stay in those boxes throughout the life of the product.
One type of corrugated box is the flute box. A flute is simply a cylinder, sometimes made of metal and sometimes wood, that has a hole in the center for an outlet. This outlet, called a flute hole, can be a tapered hole with a handle for easy lifting and pushing.
Types of Custom Corrugated Packaging
The box can have the paperboard insulation inside for insulation, or it can have the corrugated cardboard inside for the inside face of the flute. In some cases, the outer face of the box might be a smooth, shiny sheet rather than a smooth metal liner.
Other types of corrugated cardboard boxes can include flat-pack, stacked mail, heavy-duty tri-fold mailing boxes, palletizing, and stacked mail order. They all perform basically the same role, which is to hold the shipment without allowing it to break down the way it would if shipped in regular shipping boxes.
The difference between these types of boxes is the shape and the design of the boxes. Flatpack boxes have no edges, and their edges are squared, while heavy-duty tri-fold mailboxes have edges. Palletizing and stacked mail order boxes have their own unique shapes, but both perform the same basic function.
Uses Of wholesale Corrugated Boxes
Many businesses use custom printed corrugated boxes for a number of purposes. For example, corrugated boxes can be used to make custom packaging. Companies that have standard needs in the way of corrugated boxes can find ways to meet their needs by using custom corrugated boxes.
A small business might choose to purchase plain white corrugated boxes wholesale and then add the company’s logo, advertising, and contact information printed on the box’s surface. This method might be more economical than other packaging methods because the corrugated boxes themselves are not purchased from a distribution point.
Another common use for corrugated boxes is custom corrugated packaging boxes. When companies want to customize their packaging, they can choose to buy corrugated boxes in a variety of shapes. For example, some companies might choose to purchase corrugated boxes shaped like a box, complete with a handle, and then cut out the company’s logo, address, and phone number.
The corrugated boxes can be stacked on top of one another, or they can be arranged in a specific pattern to create a special look for the item being packaged.
Other Uses Of Corrugated Boxes Wholesale
A third popular use for corrugated cardboard boxes is custom corrugated shipping cartons. When companies purchase standard shipping cartons, they must take into consideration the dimensions of each piece of shipping carton that they will use.
If they order standard boxes but want their packaging to be custom fit to their products, they would need to purchase individual corrugated boxes of varying sizes. This method can be very expensive. The cost of custom corrugated boxes depends largely on the size of the box. The larger the box, the more it will cost.
Larger boxes are also more expensive because there are more design options to consider. However, when a company has several different customs printed corrugated boxes that they need to use, they can sometimes save money by choosing a small, standard-sized box in order to save money on the larger boxes. The final use for corrugated boxes is for custom printed flaps.
For flaps, companies typically order corrugated boxes with custom printed lids. They then have a choice of a thin lid or a thicker, custom-printed lid. Corrugated box lids are also used to provide protection from dust and moisture, which makes them ideal for corrugated boxes that will be placed near a bench, sewing machine, or another area where they could become accidentally damaged.
Corrugated Cardboard Boxes Add-ons
One great thing about corrugated packaging boxes is that they are environmentally friendly, which means that the company doing the harvesting is thinking about the planet for its resources. Since corrugated cardboard boxes are made of scrap cardboard, it uses fewer natural resources to create them.
They are also relatively lightweight so that you can cut down on shipping costs as well. Corrugated packaging boxes are also efficient. A standard corrugated box provides a great deal of protection to your products, so you do not want it to be huge or stuffed with heavy padding inside.
However, this is not the case with custom corrugated boxes so that you can ensure that your products are protected from harmful elements that could harm your goods before they even reach your customer. In addition, corrugated cardboard boxes are very simple to make, so you do not have to worry about spending much time and money creating them. In general, corrugated packaging boxes are very effective and efficient.
Moreover, they are very easy to make, so that you do not need to exert much effort in their production or shipping. In short, corrugated cardboard boxes are an excellent solution for small businesses looking for eco-friendly packaging solutions, along with corrugated shipping boxes that are very efficient at transporting your goods.